
“Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people. “

Nakipelemoru (the hill of Nakipel) is regarded as the largest manyatta (group of rural housing) in East Africa. It will give you an unique experience of the Karimojong and their way of life. The tour includes 20 minutes mountain hike with astonishing view on Karamoja savannah. Thereafter a village visit and contact with the people in their huts is provided. Guide is at the same time your translator and will give you detailed information about everything.

Where: 20 minutes drive from Kotido
Price: Rates

Insider tips: On Sunday afternoons, the Karimojong perform a cultural dance in Nakipelemoru. You are most welcome to join!



Sliding rock just outside Kotido. A notable formation of rocks in the savanna, with a wide view. Best place to have a picknic at sunset or sunrise! (Check our menulist!)

Where: 10 minutes drive from Kotido

Price: Rates

Dry riverbed hike with explanation on the local flora: it’s names and it’s uses.

Where: 10 minute walk from Kotido

Price: Rates



Kidepo NP

Kidepo Valley National Park lies in the rugged, semi arid valleys between Uganda’s borders with Sudan and Kenya. Gazetted as a national park in 1962, it has a profusion of big game and hosts over 77 mammal species as well as around 475 bird species.

Kidepo is Uganda’s most isolated national park, but the few who make the long journey north through the wild frontier region of Karamoja would agree that it is also the most magnificent, for Kidepo ranks among Africa’s finest wildernesses. From Apoka, in the heart of the park, a savannah landscape extends far beyond the gazetted area, towards horizons outlined by distant mountain ranges.

Traveling to Kidepo NP with driver, kindly plan before hand with manager Karamoja Arts. The price will be the hire of the car, the sleeping and eating in the parc and the gamedrive in the evening and morning. From Kotido it is 3-4 hours drive to Kidepo: under normal road conditions.

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